Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Its almost over...

On September 15, 2010 at approximately 8:40 pm, I boarded a plane at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport headed to London, England. At that very moment, I did not know what I was I was doing. I had no idea what to expect, how I was going to live, or what it would be like in my new home. 

Many things in the previous days, weeks, and months prior to my departure said that I should not be going on this trip. Everything that could have gone wrong right before I left, did and some. One being what I will have to deal with as soon as I get back, my car. It was broken into and vandalized 4 days before I left. However, there was so much going on, I had no choice but to leave. 

My entire life was left in a terminal at O'Hare Airport that evening. Everything I worked for, strived to achieve, my hopes, dreams, aspiration; feelings of guilt, shame and fright; Fear of failure, loneliness and ignorance, all left sitting in a pile in that terminal on September 15, 2010 at 8:40 pm. (Now the fear of flying, that one didn't go no where! It sat next to me on the plane the WHOOLE WAY! LBVS)

Now it almost time for me to return to the states and I am unsure how I feel about this. Part of me is ready, and anxiously anticipating my return home, ready to pick up where I left off; while the other half found new hopes, dreams and aspirations acquired while here. And I am not sure if I can simply leave them in London as I did to the previous back in September. Its as if I have become a different person and I know people expect me to be the same old "Blake," yet in reality, he is sitting in a terminal at O'Hare. And I don't think I want to collect him from lost and found when I get back.

I have changed so much, have a new outlook on life, I am almost certain people will have trouble letting go of the old Blake. Especially considering how hard it was for me to let him go. Don't get me wrong, Im still ME, I just have a different desires, perspectives, and ways of doing things. I never anticipated being here would change me this much, but I must say it has been for the better.

I don't know, Im ready for this to be over. Ready for the new semester, and some good weather! My time in Europe is almost over... 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

No Thanksgiving?!

Well today is Thanksgiving back home with all of my friends and family. The entire country of the United States of America is on a stand still. Banks, Schools, and Government Offices alike are closed to recognize the national holiday. BUT! Since the pilgrims left continent I am currently on, there isn't much celebration. No turkey. No dressing. No corn. No pies, No cakes, No nothing! I even had to go to class today! YES! Lectures on Thanksgiving; [talk about culture shock]

Today is definitely one of those days I wish I was home. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday out of all of them. However, I am still very thankful for a lot. Illustrating everything I'm thankful for would take to long, so I will summarize and say I am thankful for the beautiful life I live!

There is so much I am thankful for, however I am not thankful for not having any TURKEY today! {lol} It is a surreal feeling being somewhere and experiencing something different than you ever have in life. I'm not trying to dramatize the effects of today BUT all my life, on this day, I have eaten a big meal and celebrated thanksgiving.  Sneaking samples of food all day to the point I know what everything tastes like before the meal is completely finished. I wonder if my body's biological clock will notice?

Well, I since I just left class and am in the library studying, I will 'get back to it.'

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On the downward slope...

- Chicago

The closer the time comes the more thankful I become for the time away..

I thought that I was ready to go home, until I realized what I have been doing with myself for the past 2.5 months. I have started a new 'UNI' and have began to live in a completely different lifestyle. It has had its ups and downs but I can honestly say that I have grown to be complacent living here. 

Yes, sometimes I suddenly get the urge to be at home eating pop-eye's or out with my friends back at UIS, but I also have a new completely different circle of people I now know. I have new professors, classmates, and friends; a new schedule with my life that is still sometimes hard to grasp. I have been living in England for nearly 3 months not and the time has flown by so fast. I think when I return back to chicago in a few weeks, I will begin to realize how different life really "was" here.

I must say, I know there will be times in the beginning of 2011 where I will be 'homesick' from England. I never thought I would be able to go to another country and adapt to life as easily as I have, and it makes me want to experience more, and travel to more places on earth to live. Being here, and getting here, I have learned so much about myself and the world I live in. 

The entire year of 2010 was such a wonderful year all together, especially I have been planning for my study abroad for more than half of it, and spending the rest experiencing it. It makes me wonder what I can dream and hope for over these last few weeks of 2010, and what I can achieve during 2011...

Only time will tell...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Long time no see!

It has been a while since I have blogged. These past 10 days have been difficult. I am SOOO ready to go home I don't know what to do! I love Europe, England, Hull, this experience, all that good stuff: BUT! I am ready to go home, get a job, and get back to my life as I know it is will be... Love studying abroad, best time of my life, yet its TIME to GO! [Maybe I feel this way because its so close to me being home?]

A quick update:

Well... I had to the opportunity to go to Marseilles France with a really good friend of my Chloe! We had such a good time in France, and it was a real vacation! I even turned my phone off for two days straight, and never checked the time. That's how to have a vacation...

This a view from Notre-Dame de la Garde, a famous church in Marseilles. It was a very unique church with the most beautiful architecture I have ever seen. Here is a photo of the inside paintings on the ceilings...

Beautiful huh? Yeah I know!

I also had the chance to ride on her family's boat, and eat Pate` while sitting a few miles off the coast. She showed me the best of Marseilles and I will never forget! 

Thanks Chloe!

I also had the chance to stop through London! It was awesome, although it was EXTREMELY cold, wet, and rainy, I had the chance to visit some nice museums....

this is the British Museum of World History... Man the world is amazing when you get to see it on display..

Finally: I have been relaxing. I had a good time getting away but when I came back to Hull, I was sad. When you leave somewhere that nice its just never the same. Now I am focusing all my time on school, counting down the days until I go home. 


Monday, November 8, 2010


I am becoming very homesick...

I really miss home right now. I'm not sure if it is just today, or if this is part of the process. However, today is one of the days I really miss home. I am craving some Popeye's, number 5 with extra BBQ sauce and a strawberry Fanta! AHH!

I know this is part of the process of studying abroad. I have not felt this homesick since I have been here. This sickness is a different kind of sickness that I thought was an emotional thing, but I really do feel sick. It could be the Popeye's cravings, but I also miss home.

However, Thursday I am going to Marseille France!! Maybe this will help me get over this feeling of being "homesick." But we shall see...

Signing out! Cheers!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I started my final essays and all of my tutors say I'm off to a great start! I'm very proud of myself. I think the school system here is awesome! Now I can focus on my final papers, and that is about it considering I do not have any other assignments within the mean time! This is so good, I feel so successful! :)

Having a lot of free time on my hands has allowed me to explore so much stuff I would not be able to at home. Because I cannot work, and only have a total of 8 hours of class time per week, I do have being to do so much on the side. Ive stated putting a lot into writing and plan to make things happen when I get home!

 I have to say I made a mistake, I thought I had less than 60 days left and I was off by 10 days. I skipped a week (oops!) I have exactly 61days left, not including today. So it exactly the half way point now. Especially since on the 5th and today is the 6th. Hey, everyone makes mistakes!

This week has been amazing! I am really blessed and thankful to have had such a good week. Not all of the weeks here have been like this so I'm thankful things are starting to look up. The more I think I am adjusted, the more I learn something new and realize that I am not fully adjusted to "English" culture. But hey, I love it here!

Well, I am about to go to the gym. I have been working out much more here since I have so much free time, and I think this is going to turn out to be a good habit I picked up, possibly a new hobby.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Down Hill From here!

Will I have reached he climax of my trip and it is down hill from here!! I have registered for class at UIS for the Spring 2011! I'm taking teacher education courses; ill only need one more course for my minor in English, and on my way to the top courses of my major sociology!!  17 credit hours is a lot, the most I have taken in my college career. I have a big work load ahead of me but nothing could be more than writing 10000 words!

I tried something new this week. Me and a bunch of friends went salsa dancing! Ha ha.. it was an very interesting experience! Everyone says that I was the best, and caught on the quickest but I'm not sure, there were some real "professional" salsa'reerrrs(lol) in there! I had a blast, and it was really interesting to see the Mexican culture from the European perspective!

Culture is amazing! I now know I am in the right field with my major sociology. I'm learning respect for people, and better understanding of the world!

Tonight there is supposed to be firework demonstrations all over the UK and Europe. These pictures will be nice!

Until next time... 'Adios'!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Another day in England!

Today is getting started. Today I will got to the library and study (><).. I have a feeling the work is going to pile up on me one day so I am trying to stay on top of my school work. Being here,  I have to continuously remind myself I am here for school. Having classes 4 days a week does not permit much travel, so I will hit the books nice and hard this semester.

I really miss home. My life here is totally different and its starting to feel like an "out-of-body" experience. However, im loving every minute of it! Yet its time to get back to my normal life!

In one week, I will be going with friends to Marseille France!! The anticipation is building up and im so ready! I hear the weather there is really nice! Pictures soon to come..!