Sunday, October 31, 2010


[Ahh the last day of October! Only two more months left in the year of 2010 and I will be spending them on the other side of the planet from everything I have ever known.] Good thoughts!

On a bottom note, I have lost my iD and debit card. Not a good look! It will be nearly 10 days before I get a new one. I think I need to become even more organized than I currently am. I always think everything is going smoothly and then BAM! Something like this happens and I realize that its not always peaches and cream. I do not understand how something like this could happen! But its going to be OK, as they say, no worries. I am trusting and believe that this is just another obstacle in life that I will overcome. Although being in Europe with no money is not good! Im hoping m new card will get here soon!

I am loving Europe right now. It is an amazing place to be and I would not trade this experience for anything. I have also completed my first assignment! [WHOOO]

First Assignment: Tomorrow I will be doing a presentation on C. Wright Mills' approach to presidential power in the US. It is a sociological approach, which is why I choose it. In his approach, Mills says that American power is in the hand of "the power elite," an elite group of people who hold critical positions in the economic, political, and military domains of the US. Together, these three domains have become the center of power in the US, and the people who are at the top of these domains are politically and administratively connects, form the social class of the power elite.

Its very interesting and it makes me think more about out government and how it works. Like many other great classes I have had in college, I think this could have made me want to become a political science major. But I'm sticking with sociology for this degree. Maybe another time. :-)

Until next time... Bye.

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