Being here for these three weeks has been like roller coaster ride. Its had ups and downs, twists and turns, and its still not over! I have a book I am reading daily and today it said something that really helped me through ["You may be in a situation where you have almost given up. Your strength is failing; your outlook is grim. Take up the shield of faith. Put the matter squarely into the Lord's hands and believe that He is in control." ] After I read this, it seemed like every worry, concern, doubt, trouble, or negative feeling I had went away. I am learning to trust this process that I am going through. I see my life changing, faster than it ever has in my entire life and I am trying to keep up.
Today I went to visit a place in town called "The Deep." It was really cool!
Here is ti basically an underground aquarium. It also illustrates the history of the worlds environment and how Humans became the dominate species. It was really nice.
Its still hard to swallow being in EUROPE! Realizing that my dreams are slowly becoming a reality, makes me dream bigger, do more and want more. I also want to give back! I want everyone to have this experience! Ill work on that when I make it back to the states. My personal journal is filling up quickly with thoughts and ideas! They are not fine-tuned yet, but soon to some!
Well as they say in Germany.... TSCHUESS & BIS BALD!!! (Good-bye & See you soon!)
[SN: Thanks roomies! :-)]
Didn't know you were such a good writer. kudos