Sunday, September 26, 2010

True Freedom: The prison Gate

"Throughout the ages mean and women have fought for what they believed was freedom. Now that we have obtained a higher level of national security, the thee has shifted to how we can remain free.

But are we really experiencing freedom? Everywhere we turn there are evidences of freedom granted and freedom abused.

Political leaders, exhausted from their flight to freedom without moral restraint in the seventies, now claim we must return to the moral values of our forbears. As a society, we have rejected values that even hint at morality. In a recent interview, one congressman state that our nation no longer has clear-cut "moral guidelines...."

This is a quote from a book that read almost every day. Some days it confuses me and on others it makes complete sense. Some days I also have to research the meanings behind the messages, and others I remember at a later point. 

However, today was one of those days where it "hitting the nail on the head." Many times people, and myself, become detached from the true mission at hand. We allow things to come into our lives and deter us from our mission. My heart goes to people who do not know their mission because when your not trying to accomplish something, what are you living for? I believe that everyone in life is trying to accomplish something whether it be having a good time, finding love, having a family, money, receiving an education... the list goes on.

I am on my mission right now. Nothing can stop me from 'mission accomplished.' Its amazing the power I have gained from knowledge. Having so much free time, I have read more in recent weeks than I ever have in life. [could be the lack of television] I am finally free to focus on learning, and be a student in college. This is a joy I have not felt for 5 years and it feels really good.


I also have 2 German house mates. They are also exchange students here for only one semester. I have another who is from Seattle Washington. I have never lived with girls before so this could be interesting. We are supposed to be getting another one any day now. From what I have been told it will be another girl.

But from the ones I have met this far, we get along fairly well. One does not speak good English, but she is learning.

Until Next Time... Signing out!

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